Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

The team participates in the “Calcul formel, arithmétique, protection de l'information” research pole of the GDR-IM (CNRS Research Group on Mathematical Computer Science). The team is a member of the “Arithmétique”, “Calcul formel” and “Codage et Cryptographie” working groups.

ANR CATREL (Cribles: Améliorations Théoriques et Résolution Effective du Logarithme discret)

Participants : Cyril Bouvier, Nicholas Coxon, Jérémie Detrey, Pierrick Gaudry, Laurent Grémy, Hamza Jeljeli, Emmanuel Thomé [contact] , Marion Videau, Paul Zimmermann.

The CATREL proposal has been accepted in ANR “programme Blanc” in 2012. This project involves Caramel as a leading team, in cooperation with two other partners which are Inria project-team Grace (Inria Saclay, LIX, École Polytechnique), and the Arith team of the LIRMM Laboratory (Montpellier). The project targets algorithms for solving the discrete logarithm problem in finite fields, using the Number Field Sieve and the Function Field Sieve algorithms. Actual work on the CATREL project started in January 2013. According to the schedule, the project ended on Dec. 31st, 2015. Two project meetings were held in 2015: in Nancy on January 13-14, 2015, and in Palaiseau on October 1-2, 2015. The last project meeting was attached to an international workshop which brought together international experts on the Discrete Logarithm Problem to discuss the massive advances on this topic during the last years. A mid-term project review of the CATREL project was conducted by ANR in March 2015. The review outcome was very positive.

PEPS JCJC INSII RiCoRé (Résolution de systèmes polynomiaux pour les codes correcteurs et la robotique)

Participant : Pierre-Jean Spaenlehauer.

The RiCoRé proposal has been accepted in the PEPS JCJC INSII program in 2015. This project is coordinated by Romain Lebreton (Maître de Conférence, Univ. Montpellier). The other participants are Salih Abdelaziz (Maître de Conférence, Univ. Montpellier) and Eleonora Guerrini (Maître de Conférence, Univ. Montpellier). The aim of this project is to study the interactions of symbolic algorithms for polynomial system solving with some problems arising in coding theory and robotics.